Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif felicitated the Christian community in Pakistan and around the world on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. In a message on the occasion of Christmas to be celebrated on December 25, the PM said that Christmas gave a message of universal love, brotherhood, tolerance, and sacrifices and these values played a crucial role in putting a society on the path of development. He said Hazrat Isa (AS) was a panacea for the sorrow of humans and spread God’s message to the whole humanity. “Hazrat Isa (AS) made better the worldly life and hereafter of humanity and his moral teachings and guidance were a beacon of light for everyone, ” the PM said.
He underlined the need for following the values of compassion, love, tolerance, and brotherhood in the 21st century to strengthen the moral fabric of humanity. He pointed out that across the world in the last few decades, a wave of religious intolerance had intensified and the humans needed to follow the message of interfaith harmony and religious tolerance to stop this negative trend. The nations would have to make the message of love of Hazrat Isa (AS), their guiding light, to eradicate hate and create a peaceful world.
He said history was a witness that the Christian community in Pakistan played a positive role in every walk of life, including in defence, judiciary, and education. The PM hailed the community for rendering significant contributions to the progress and development of the country.
He said the sacrifices of the Christian community for the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan were unforgettable. “In the Pakistan of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah every person has complete religious freedom and the Constitution of Pakistan gives a special protection to the minorities,” he asserted. The minorities were not only given equal rights but had complete liberty to worship according to their religion and their religious places were protected, he added. Shehbaz Sharif said Pakistan was passing through a difficult period of history and the whole nation should unite and work day and night for the progress and prosperity of the country. “This country belongs to us all, and on the occasion of Christmas, let us pledge to make Pakistan an example of religious tolerance, brotherhood, and peace and play our role to take it out of difficulties. Long live Pakistan,” he added.